Our Michelle Obama FitLife Garden Contest Winner Is…

Our Michelle Obama Contest Winner Is...

Our Michelle Obama Contest Winner Is...

Many thanks to everyone who participated in our Contest & Voted! It is official! All votes have been tallied on Facebook from all the LIKES, Shares & Comments, since June 25th of our FitLife Garden Contest! Our Michelle Obama FitLife Winner is Christina Goldman, who just pulled the win out of the bag, just before midnight last night; including a vote from her husband Paul Goldman, who said “I vote for D Christina and her little dog too!”. Christina will receive a copy of the Michelle Obama “American Grown” book as well as the “Arms of a First Lady” DVD workout & a bonus 30min call to Celebrity Fitness Trainer, SusieQ!

Due to the positive success & inquiries from New Zealand’s Normanlynn Charles, about this contest; that was generously presented on the Michelle Obama Fan Club Facebook wall, has us all saying “Repeat!” Stay tuned as you may have a chance to enter your FitLife Garden next month! Whoo-hoo! It was unanimous & the voting results are as follows (read detailed voting description @ bottom page): D: Christina- 11 Votes, A: Katy- 8 Votes, C: Eleanor- 2 Votes & B: Darlene- 1 Vote!

The best part about this contest is learning more about YOU our FitLife Family Members; as everyone is a WINNER! See below as we find out more about our Contestants & their passion to create their perfect Vegetable Garden!

SusieQ FitLife Michelle Obama Garden Contest Entry by EleanorEleanor, says: Lavender/rosemary keeps my spirits up! Greek oregano adds spice! Gardening is tough when you’re ill, but it is too rewarding to give up altogether. Love life, love your plants!

♥ Christina, says: I am a social worker who works with low income seniors and two things stand out for me with regard to my work: 1) Many seniors cannot afford good SusieQ FitLife Michelle Obama Garden Contest Entry by Christina Goldmanproduce so they resort to eating low cost food that lacks nutrients, 2) I need to take care of my health by eating more fresh veggies and exercising so that I can enjoy my golden years. Mrs. Obama is truly an inspiration to me in the area of fitness and nutrition. The garden box in the background (behind my doggy) holds zucchini and white bean squash. I am also growing tomatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon, pumpkins, bell pepper, cilantro, basil and spaghetti squash. As I posted this, I just happened to think that I am going to start a community garden for seniors, locally. I am a complete novice. See how rich my plants are? They are in six inches of soil in an above ground box and they are thriving! This means that a garden can happen anywhere –even on a balcony, in the city, if planted in a garden box. And if my garden is successful and I am new at it, ANYONE CAN DO THIS!!! Thank you, Mrs. Obama! (more photos to come!)

SusieQ FitLife Michelle Obama Garden Contest Entry by Katy KassianKaty, says: My garden is a source of comfort, pride, relaxation and security. I have no doubt that no matter where life takes me; I will be able to feed my family. I have spent many years passing on canning tricks & tips. Usually we have a double Corn row ‘wall’ all the way around. I leave a couple ‘gates’ open. The corn acts as a wind barrier and keeps the humidity/moisture up in there… All the plants thrive on it. ‘Maters are starting to look good & with this little bit of heat and humidity, the cukes should be roaring to go any time…

Darlene, says: Greetings to the FitLife Family, the garden pic is very simple. After being motivated by Michelle Obama and our very own SusieQ FitLife; I was inspired to do “something” with the families I am blessed to assist in our SusieQ FitLife Michelle Obama Garden Contest Entry by Darlene MeyersCommunity Volunteer Program. As most have restrictions where they live on planting a garden – or – have no yard space we started “Flower Box” gardens. Some may be a small herb garden on a windowsill and for those who have a bit more room we planted veggies in flower boxes. I’ve also worked with several local produce stands and they are assisting in providing cases of fresh produce as it comes into season at little or low cost. We are using this as an education tool to teach families the nutrition values of fresh produce and also how to freeze and/or can when they are in season to have for a later time. This weekend we had peas and strawberries. It was amazing to see children and parents shell their first peapod, taste a garden-fresh pea and then learn how easy it is to freeze them. Thank you SusieQ this has become a very rewarding time – and we’re just beginning!

Thank you, FitLifers for bringing LIFE to our SusieQ FitLife Family! Stay tuned to next month’s Michelle Obama FitLife Garden Contest! The winner could be YOU! Get a FitLife!Obama FitLife Garden Contest by SusieQ FitLife

Voting Details in Exact Winning Order:
D: 11 Votes, A: 8 Votes, C: 2 Votes, B: 1 Vote

D: Christina Goldman’s Voters: Shirley Ogilvie Fleischman, Amanda Catron, Stephanie Sapper Oslick, Darlene Meyers, Mike Kane, Paul Goldman, Marcee Garces, Judy De Atley, Jen Derosa, Tomas Novotny, Cynthia Georgandis

A: Katy Kassian’s Voters: Votes from: Cynthia Livingston, Patricia Bragdon LeDoux, Kittie Kassian, Amy Mckinney, Shannan Banta Lewellen, Cathy Bradley-Larson, Linda Stuhlmiler, Jo Khalifa

C: Eleanor Pickron’s Voters: Pinky Chalmers, Fiercely Fit.

B: Darlene Meyer’s Votes: Carrie Davis

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