Do We Bite Off More Than We Can Chew?

Watch Your Mouth! SusieQ FitLife!

Watch Your Mouth! SusieQ FitLife!


Turkey Dinner SusieQ FitLife

Turkey Dinner SusieQ FitLife

Do We Bite Off More Than We Can Chew?


Barbara Walter’s asked Michelle Obama if we should watch what we eat this Holiday? Mrs. Obama said feel free to enjoy yourself this holiday! As your Celebrity Fitness Trainer, However, I have to provide you with some food for thought!

The average American consumes approximately 4,500 calories on Turkey Day, according to the Calorie Control Council. That’s about 2.5 pounds of food and about 229 grams of fat, but who’s counting?

Believe it or not, our bodies have defenses against eating too much, so we don’t feel completely stuffed or overly full. Once you eat 1,500 calories in one sitting, your body releases a hormone that causes nausea, reported the New York Times.

Is White Meat Healthier Than Dark Meat?

There is a difference! Fitness Competitors & Body Builders stick with one choice.  White meat differs from dark meat because they are different types of muscle, according to the New York Times.  Dark meat does have a few more grams of fat and calories, it is also said to have more iron, zinc, and vitamin B than white meat.  However, Fitness Professionals prefer white meat.  It is easy to prepare and is one of the greatest sources of pure protein.

White and Dark Turkey Meat: 3.5 ounces of white meat has 1.66 grams of fat and about 161 calories, while same amount of dark meat contains more fat & calories (many say it contains more moisture and flavor).

SusieQ-TIPS 2 Avoid Overeating:

  1. Brush your teeth after you finish eating your meal.  The minty taste, takes the taste out of your mouth.
  2. Be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.  I tell people during my presentations that hunger is often confused for hunger.
  3. Remove yourself from the kitchen table or environment.  Take a cool shower!
  4. Wait up to 20minutes before continuing to have second servings.  The brain needs 20 minutes for the body to communicate that it may be full already.  Be patient.  Don’t rush to fail nor eat!
  5. Activate your body with fun activity.  Pretend that you are on “Dancing with the Stars” Here is your chance to show everyone that you have actually learned something from watching the show for weeks! Or just go for a walk, run, jog or play a sport! This will help you not to overeat and you can have a smaller portion of seconds if you still desire.
  6. For dessert, try yogurt rather than ice cream with any pumpkin, apple, sweet potato or pecan pie. (Don’t eat them all! Choose one or two… tee hee!)
  7. Minimize the amount of gravy, cream, butter and salt you add to your meal.
  8. Eat smaller portions throughout the day to lower the amount of calories and fat that you will ingest versus “eating EVERYTHING at once”.
  9. Lastly, Put the Fork Down while eating mouthfuls of food! Take the time to CHEW your food and talk to your friends and family! Let me say that again.  Chew your food and take the fork out of your hand and rest it on your plate until you have cleared your palette.
  10. Keep in mind that food is not the focus the enjoyment of great company should be our “FitLife” Focus!

SusieQ FitLife wants you to enjoy the quality time spent with your family & friends and laugh really loud! You can still enjoy your favorite foods as the First Lady suggests, just keep in mind that food is not the focus (the enjoyment of great company is our focus).  Just have a wonderful time today, all day & everyday! Much Love! Now “Get a FitLife!”