Have Arms Become The New Face Of The Body?


SusieQ & Susie Orman Holding the SusieQ FitLife - Arms Of A First Lady DVD
SusieQ & Suze Orman

Have Arms Become The New Face Of The Body? Since Michelle Obama has come in to the Oval Office, the face of body has begun to change. Many women feel that they too should have the right to bare their arms as well! SusieQ FitLife has launched this new page to help you achieve those guns! Do you want to bare your arms and change the style of fashion today as we know it and begin to remove your sleeves from outfits and dresses?

When it comes to achieving the Arms of a First Lady, bulking is not the suggested way to go. I think that is why many women are drawn to Michelle Obama, because she has a healthy, athletic, feminine look while not having overly muscular arms of a man.

Sculpting and toning the arms is the best way to create lean and defined arms without the bulk. There are several variations of exercises that can be done to achieve this look. The upcoming “SusieQ FitLife – Arms Of A First Lady” DVD, has a complete beginner level of exercises that doesn’t require a lot of weight and also features household items! That’s right it won’t cost you a penny to workout if you are a beginner because you already have these items right in your own home! There is an intermediate and advanced level of exercises that are also performed with elastic tubing bands and weights.

There is no need to struggle and strain with heavy weights however; because the saying is true that less is more. When it comes to bicep and tricep exercises, you may be surprised that you can fatigue the muscle using your own natural body weight through calisthenics; such as doing Tricep Dips to failure (going to the point of no return where you feel you can’t perform anymore). These tricks and variations of dips plus many other exercises featured on the DVD are great timesavers, especially if you are a busy person who does not have a lot of time on your hands.

I will start posting video clips of various arm exercises online and show you some behind the scenes footage of the upcoming Fitness DVD entitled, SusieQ FitLife – Arms Of A First Lady! Available this Spring 2010!

Even the “Money Power-House Woman”, Suze Orman is excited about this highly anticipated release! Be sure to be a part of the action!